We all make mistakes...myself included! While the three foot rule applies to a lot of sewing projects, unfortunately it does not apply to sewing patterns. Here are some corrections to errors in Blueprints patterns. If you find an error, please let us know by leaving a comment on the contact page.
(Printed Pattern Only) Version 1 Side Front Bottom & Pocket Lining
This pattern piece should read "Cut 2", not "Cut 1 on Fold".
Piece Names in Instructions
In the pattern instructions, pieces 10-13 are listed incorrectly. The correct descriptions are below:
#10 Left BACK shoulder
#11 Right BACK shoulder
#12 Left FRONT shoulder
#13 Right FRONT shoulder
All pattern pieces are correctly labeled.
Hem Band
On the hem band pattern piece (#7), the line styles for each size are incorrect. Use the key below to find and cut your size.
Proportion Alteration
In the instructions for blending between bust and hip sizes on Version 2, the instructions as written in step 3 are incorrect.
The second sentence should read, “Extend the short edge of the triangle by double your alteration amount and connect it to the longer top corner.”
Some more explanation about this technique: When altering a pattern to add more room at the hip, you typically divide the difference in hip measurements by 4, since the total is being divided among four pattern pieces. In this alteration, your difference amount is divided by 8, so that four 8ths of the total increase occurs in the first row of triangles and the remaining four 8ths occurs in the second row. This makes the increase at the hip happen gradually along the side seam.
If you downloaded the Moderne Zipper Expansion before 3/10/18, please not a small error on the pattern piece:
At the bottom hem (where the option for V2's curve is) there is only 1/4" seam allowance instead of 1/2" on V1. You can either re-download the new pattern pieces HERE or sew the bottom placket edge using a 1/4" seam allowance.